You are a business leader, entrepreneur, international executive or multipotentialist and work in a hyper-connected, unpredictable and complex environment. Do you encounter recurring stressful situations? Do you currently feel deadlocked or about to go off course? If you are reading this, you are on your way because you are moving beyond the self-inflicted requirement to “Be Strong!” which encourages you to sort things out yourself!
I offer a new, more motivating and effective way of managing, doing business and relating with other people. To inspire you, here are some of the topics tackled during support assignments. The aim is not to put you into boxes, quite the opposite.
There is a tremendous amount of pressure when you are on top, in charge of a company, working freelance or you may feel apart, slightly off-picture. We share the sense of responsibility, the taste for excellence and challenge. I can give you an outside perspective that allows you to step back and strengthen you in the decisions and action you take.
> Optimise your decision-making processes
> Solve organisational issues with agility
> Solve relational problems
> Bring out the authentic leader in you
You are starting up in business and get the feeling that you just don’t have enough time. You are brimming with ideas but tend to head off in all directions. The self-inflicted order, “Hurry up”, can be stimulating at first but counter-productive in the long run. Before you start, it’s good to know where you are heading. We share the taste of challenge and the sense of innovation. I help you go further, faster.
> Structure your time and ideas
> Define a direction, priorities and stick to them
> Channel and renew your energy
You are going abroad and want to make a success of your new job. You are coming home after working abroad and want a smooth return. You are discovering the French and do not grasp the subtleties of how they work. You work in an intercultural environment and want to be more agile in your management. We share an openmindedness and taste for adventure. I help you make the most of the wealth of your international experience and become a global manager.
> Adapt to your new environment
> Build new benchmarks
> Enhance the diversity of your experience and of your teams
> Promote team cohesion.
Another self-inflicted pressure can inhibit you: the impression of not understanding what is required, of being misunderstood or not acknowledged at your rightful value in the company. A live wire, you feel cramped in boxes. You are bored by routine of your work. You want to explore new territories but dare not take action, petrified by the range of possibilities? We share multipotentiality and a taste for independence. I help you give value to your uniqueness.
> Understand how you work
> Express your full potential
> Enhance your assets in the company
> Stop procrastinating
EI, or emotional intelligence, is your ability to use emotions to understand situations and interact effectively in your relationships. We share an open-mindedness, taste of challenge and sense of humour. I help make your mind more flexible in order to develop your feelings and become a positive leader.
> Understand the cognition-emotion-reaction dynamic
> Build trusting workplace relationships
> Enhance your leadership
> Promote the cohesion of your teams
> Resolve team conflict
You tend to set the bar very high. Too high? You find it difficult to stop when you have a project to submit and consider that it is “quite good” even though it meets the specifications. You feel guilty if you do not cover everything that had been originally planned. The self-inflicted order, “Be perfect!” is a straitjacket. By always striving to go the extra mile, there is a high risk of getting nothing done! We share a taste for excellence and the sense of challenge. I advocate that “done is better than perfect” and help you complete your actions.
> Understand how you work
> Structure your work time
> Learn to set boundaries
> Enhance the work achieved